What is The Dark Deb ?

Hello everyone and welcome to the fast tune, and this tune basically what the Deep Web is and what are the differences Between the deep web the dark net and the web.
So basically the deep web or it's also known as the invisible web or the hidden web are parts of the World wide web whose contents are not indexed by stand search engines or connot be indexed by web crawlers.

So that means that you can't really find this information using the standard search engines and it is Estimated at the deep web makes up 96 percent of the entire internet and that's really a lot when you come to scale how big the surface Web really is.

Now let me explain the differences with the help of this image right here.
Sof before we go into the differences let's actually look at a very very key this here.
Now the term deep web and dark web often interchange with each other with each other.Scuse me but they are not the same thing.

The deeper simply refers to any thing or the deep web that can be found using a search engine.And as you can see form this image right here let's start explaining what the differences really are.

So the surface web is every web site that use on a daily basis. For example you can be using youtube google cetera et cetera.These are basically sites that can be accessed through a link.

For example if i search for example or the name of a video on google the title of youtube video will actually show up right there.and that means that it can be indexd through a search engine or can be accessed through web crawlers.

Now the deep web contains information or things that are private and anything that has security or authentication in order to access it. For example we have e-mails Dropbox social media and information that cannot be accessed with web crawlers or search engines.

Now let me explain what this means if i went to google and i searched for the title or e-mail with the recipient name i guarantee it's not going to come out and that's because it's not  going to come up.

And thats Because the it connot index emails because it requires a certain level of authentication and this is whated to explain to you many people we want to basically access the deep web and they really don't understand that the deep web is also part of the player but slightly different

Now the dark web contains things that are purposely hidden not necessarily for security reasons and require special software to access it which we will be discussing later in discourse.
And  the example of that is door

We need the Tor browser to access the darknet because those are basically sites that are purposely hidden So that basically you can't index them with a search engine on the deep web and the surface.So that'[s basically it.

We basically interchange these two terms together but in sssence they're all the same because they cannot be indexed through a search engine.



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