What Is Reverse Engineering ?


What Is Reverse Engineering?

Reverse engineering is the process of extracting the knowledge or design blueprints
from anything man-made. The concept has been around since long before computers or modern technology, and probably dates back to the days of the industrial revolution. It is very similar to scientific research, in which a researcher is attempting to work out the “blueprint” of the atom or the human mind. The difference between reverse engineering and conventional scientific research is that with reverse engineering the artifact being investigated is man-made,unlike scientific research where it is a natural phenomenon.
Reverse engineering is usually conducted to obtain missing knowledge, ideas, and design philosophy when such information is unavailable. In some cases, the information is owned by someone who isn’t willing to share them.In other cases, the information has been lost or destroyed.Traditionally, reverse engineering has been about taking shrink-wrapped products and physically dissecting them to uncover the secrets of their design.Such-secrets were then typically used to make similar or better products. In many industries, reverse engineering involves examining the product under a
microscope or taking it apart and figuring out what each piece does.Not too long ago, reverse engineering was actually a fairly popular hobby, practiced by a large number of people (even if it wasn’t referred to as reverse engineering). Remember how in the early days of modern electronics, many people were so amazed by modern appliances such as the radio and television
set that it became common practice to take them apart and see what goes on inside? That was reverse engineering. Of course, advances in the electronics industry have made this practice far less relevant. Modern digital electronics are so miniaturized that nowadays you really wouldn’t be able to see much of the interesting stuff by just opening the box.

Software Reverse Engineering: Reversing

Software is one of the most complex and intriguing technologies around us nowadays, and software reverse engineering is about opening up a program’s “box,” and looking inside. Of course, we won’t need any screwdrivers on this journey. Just like software engineering, software reverse engineering is a purely virtual process, involving only a CPU, and the human mind.Software reverse engineering requires a combination of skills and a thorough understanding of computers and software development, but like most worthwhile subjects, the only real prerequisite is a strong curiosity and desire to learn. Software reverse engineering integrates several arts: code breaking, puzzle solving, programming, and logical analysis.

Reversing Applications

It would be fair to say that in most industries reverse engineering for the purpose
of developing competing products is the most well-known application of reverse engineering. The interesting thing is that it really isn’t as popular in the software industry as one would expect. There are several reasons for this, but it is primarily because software is so complex that in many cases reverse engineering for competitive purposes is thought to be such a complex process that it just doesn’t make sense financially.
So what are the common applications of reverse engineering in the software world? Generally speaking, there are two categories of reverse engineering applications: security-related and software development–related. The following sections present the various reversing applications in both categories.

Security-Related Reversing

For some people the connection between security and reversing might not be immediately clear. Reversing is related to several different aspects of computer security. For example, reversing has been employed in encryption research—a researcher reverses an encryption product and evaluates the level of security it provides. Reversing is also heavily used in connection with malicious software,
on both ends of the fence: it is used by both malware developers and those developing the antidotes. Finally, reversing is very popular with crackers who use it to analyze and eventually defeat various copy protection schemes.

Malicious Software

The Internet has completely changed the computer industry in general and the security-related aspects of computing in particular. Malicious software, such as viruses and worms, spreads so much faster in a world where millions of
users are connected to the Internet and use e-mail daily. Just 10 years ago, a virus would usually have to copy itself to a diskette and that diskette would have to be loaded into another computer in order for the virus to spread. The infection process was fairly slow, and defense was much simpler because the channels of infection were few and required human intervention for the program
to spread. That is all ancient history—the Internet has created a virtual connection between almost every computer on earth. Nowadays modern worms can spread automatically to millions of computers without any human intervention.

Reversing Cryptographic Algorithms

Cryptography has always been based on secrecy: Alice sends a message to Bob, and encrypts that message using a secret that is (hopefully) only known to her and Bob. Cryptographic algorithms can be roughly divided into two groups: restricted algorithms and key-based algorithms. Restricted algorithms are the kind some kids play with; writing a letter to a friend with each letter
shifted several letters up or down. The secret in restricted algorithms is the algorithm itself. Once the algorithm is exposed, it is no longer secure. Restricted algorithms provide very poor security because reversing makes it very difficult to maintain the secrecy of the algorithm. Once reversers get their
hands on the encrypting or decrypting program, it is only a matter of time
before the algorithm is exposed. Because the algorithm is the secret, reversing
can be seen as a way to break the algorithm.

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